
The Proposed EU Data Protection Regulation One Year Later

  One year ago, the European Commission published its proposal to reform the European Union’s legal framework for data protection. The proposal for a General Data Protection Regulation seeks to shift the focus away from paper-based, bureaucratic requirements and towards compliance in practice, harmonization of the law and strengthening...
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Euribor, danni da manipolazione?

E’ notizia dei giorni scorsi: la Commissione Europea ha aperto un’indagine nei confronti di 12 banche europee per inottemperanza agli articoli 101 e 102 del Trattato dell’Unione Europea. Il motivo? Avrebbero creato un cartello atto a manipolare il tasso Euribor, l’euro interbank offered rate. Tasso che peraltro rappresenta il...
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